Honeymoon Style


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Vintage Retro Wedding Dress Photos Bride's Spring 1970

This is what a bride in 1970 looked like from Alfred Angelo's point of view.  These photos are from Bride Magazine's spring forecast 1970.   It was an insert ad and I find it interesting that they called the bride...the girl!  In the 60's and 70's, the brides were a lot younger, many of them marrying right out of high school at the age of 17 or 18, so that's definitely a young girl.  

The dresses were designed by Edythe Vincent Piccone, wife of the owner of Alfred Angelo, Vincent Piccione.  The Piccione family still runs Alfred Angelo.    The  Piccione's opened a bridal salon in Pennsylvania in the 1930's and decided there were not enough choices for brides on a budget, so Edythe designed and produced the dresses.  They named the company Alfred Angelo.   I remember long ago hearing why the company had that name, but its somehow lost in my brain. 

There is something so pretty about this picture, its timeless! Long hair was definitely in style in this era., but it was usually worn long and straight. The lace and the veil matched, and the veil was worn over the front  of the shoulders so the lace framed the face.  Angelo called it the Total Look, when the veil and dressed matched.   Loving the bouquet, so simple, it looks hand picked.

High neckline, long sheer bishop sleeves and empire waistline defined the times. Pigtails?  So cute!  It sort of has that Princess Leia look, don't you think? They achieved this look by making pigtails, then twisting them into small buns and topping them with flowers.  Lacy parasols were used instead of flowers, or the parasols were decorated with flowers and trailing ribbons. 

Another high neck bishop sleeve dress, this time just an A-line with chapel train.  Not loving the huge bow on the veil, later in the 80's the bow moved from the head to the rear back waistline, giving us years of butt bows. 

A high necked wedding band collar lace wedding dress with the typical 1960's-1970's bell sleeves.  A pillbox hat worn on top of the head gives height...yikes!  Isn't the flower girl cute in her mini dress?   Daisies were a big fad for weddings, you tucked them in your hair, but they didn't survive the wedding day!  Yellow was a hugely popular wedding color.

Two similar bodied dresses, both with a bateau neckline and empire waistlines.  Check out the groom in the turtleneck, very 60's and 70's chic. 
See the waistline?  Empire again!  Huge bell sleeves, long cathedral train with flowers in the hair.  The groom is wearing a ruffled tux shirt, so Vegas lounge lizard!  Hope that trend never comes back!

Did you notice that all the dresses are snow white?  Also notice that all the wedding dresses were wore shorter than they are today, they came to the top of the foot.  Trains were shorter, they were chapel length and there were a lot of long cathedral veils.     Now, back to the future! 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Boys Will Be Brides, Dressing Men as the Bride

Every day when I opened the door to the bridal salon, I never knew who would walk through the door.  Same for the phone, I never knew what strange request was waiting or what was going to go wrong. 

As women, we can wear pants on a daily basis and not get a second glance.  But men, put them in a dress and they get stared down.  I was naive, I didn't know how many men dreamed of wearing wedding dresses.  I soon learned. 

One day the best looking man I'd ever seen walked into the salon.  He was drop dead gorgeous and built like a fitness model.   He told me he wanted to buy a wedding dress as a gag for his best friend's bachelor/Halloween party. He was so sincere, and since he had no clue how to put on a wedding dress, I told him that I'd help him get into it.   Then he dropped the bomb on me  "I wore a bra so the dress would look right on me."   I did a double take, he was wearing the most gorgeous hot pink bra I'd ever seen.  It was lacy and had a pink bow and pearls on it.  I wanted his bra!   But how did he find that gorgeous bra in his size?  I wanted to ask, but I was literally speechless.  (I'm never speechless!)   Then I glanced down, he was wearing a thong to match...a freaking hot pink thong on the most gorgeous man I'd ever laid eyes on in person!   And, did I mention panty hose?  How he pulled that off, well, I really didn't want to know.  Well, yes, I did, but I was afraid to look anywhere but his eyes and I couldn't find the right words to ask.  He decided instead of a wedding dress, he'd buy a frilly ruffly pink chiffon ballgown.  He loved it, he twirled and he pranced and kept talking about how he was going to be the hit of the party.  I have no doubt.  

Truthfully, I was more than a little bit freaked out. So was the rest of my staff.  So we had a new rule after that, any men in the shop become my customers.  I wasn't going to put them in any harm, should the guy turn out to be a total freak.  Like the guy who walked in barefoot wearing only ballet tights during a snowstorm.  Hello, 911!

About a week later, I met Brenda who was really named Steve.  Brenda strutted into the salon for her appointment, a stunning statuesque blonde in a mini skirt, stiletto heels and blood red nails.  Something seemed odd to the gal helping her, so I stepped in.  Took me all of a second to realize that Brenda was a guy.  Brenda had the best makeup I'd ever seen on anyone. I've worked with some amazing makeup artists, but Brenda was perfection.  So perfect, she looked Photoshopped.  The giveaway was her hands, even though they were perfectly manicured, they were men's hands.  Brenda knew that I knew and asked me to help her dress...then she asked me if I dealt with people like her.  I said  "Honey, I've dealt with everything, so lets get to trying on dresses."  The relief showed in her eyes.  

When I walked into the dressing room, I nearly fainted.  On the pedestal, Brenda had taken out her breast prosthesis, and there were two large breasts staring up at me  They looked so real that it was surreal.  She then asked me to help with her strapless bra, well, OK,  I do this for women every day.  Put on your big girl pants and treat her like a woman.  So I did....until I realized that Brenda was wearing a frilly pair of panties that made her look like a woman in front.  Then she bent over and she was um....extremely well endowed.  I saw all the family jewels.  After that, I looked only in her eyes until she was dressed.  The sight of her bending over is forever burned into my eyeballs......

It took Brenda nearly an hour to get herself back together. She changed her outfit and fixed her makeup because she had a date with her honey. Then we did the paperwork.  My manager saw my husband pulling in the parking lot.  With a big grin on her face, she told him she had a big surprise for him for his birthday and to keep his eyes open.  A few minutes later, Brenda sashayed out the door, my husband holding the door open for the stunning lady.  Brenda winked at my hubby and I watched him checking out Brenda while we girls were falling on the floor laughing at my husband.   What ticked me off wasn't his reaction, it was that Brenda looked so much better than me.  She looked better than all the women in the shop.  Damn!

Brenda and I became friends of sort.  I learned he was really married with small children and his wife allowed him Brenda time....where he became Brenda for a few days.  He and his wife were renewing their wedding vows and yes, he was wearing a wedding dress.  I never knew him as Steve.  

Brenda must have told her buddies, because suddenly, I had lots of men wanting to play dress up.  I had to make a new rule.  If the men wanted to play dress up, they had to rent the dressing room and pay for my time and the money would go towards a purchase.  It cut down on the players who were indulging in their fantasies..  I couldn't have men playing dress up in the dressing rooms because it freaked out the real brides. And I couldn't have my dressing rooms tied up when I needed them for my real brides. 

The one thing I've learned in dealing with man brides is that we are all human and to treat all humans as we'd want to be treated.  But please, no more man thongs!

Friday, March 25, 2011

DIY Bride: All Natural Beauty At Home Spa Day

Do you crave a spa experience before the wedding?  Can't swing an expensive spa days?  You can have a DIY spa day at home using ingredients in your refrigerator at minimal cost and get similar results.  Think relaxation, think results, think saving lots of money you can spend elsewhere.  Invite your besties to come and join you if you want to turn it into a girls spa day.  

Some of these natural ingredients can get a little messy, so wear something old or soak in the tub at the same time you are doing the facials and eye treatments. 

Honey:  Put a warm washcloth on your face to open the pores. Spread honey on your face, leave it on for 15 to 30 minutes and wash it off with warm water, followed by splashes of cold water to close the pores.  Honey will also clear up blemishes.  You can dot it on blemishes and leave it on overnight.  

Honey and Oatmeal mask:  Perfect for acne, mix up one tablespoon of oatmeal and one tablespoon of honey.  Apply to your face for a half hour.  For extra relaxation, cut up two slices of cucumber and put it over your eyes.

Banana Mask :  Mash up one banana and apply to your face.  Leave on no longer than 10 minutes and rinse off.

Avocado mask:  Peel and mash up an avocado, apply to face, rinse off in with warm water in 15 minutes. 

Olive oil:  If your face is really dry, apply some warm olive oil to the skin for moisture, rinse off.

Beer:  Warm flat beer is a great hair rinse, it adds shine and helps repair damaged hair. Apply to hair, shower and rinse it out. 

Lemon juice:  For blondes,  rinse hair with lemon juice, it will naturally lighten your hair in the sun and act as a clarifying agent on your hair.  (removes product buildup)
Apple cider vinegar will do the same for brunettes and redheads as lemon juice.

You can also use lemon juice to lighten up ashy spots on the elbows and heels.  

Mayonnaise:   Use real mayonnaise on your hair to condition your hair naturally, its perfect for dried out hair.  You can apply about a half of a cup of real mayo to dry hair by brushing it on and leave it on for an hour, then wash hair as usual.   The other way is to smear it through your hair and cover your hair (not your face) with a plastic bag for 15 minutes.  The heat that builds up inside the bag will speed up the conditioning.  

Body:  Epsom salts.   Pour 2 cups of Epsom salts into running bath water.   Epsom salts are made from mineral magnesium sulfate which relaxes the nervous system and muscles, removes toxins from the body and reduces swelling.   You can also use it as a foot soak to for aching feet after a long day in stilettos.  

Epsom salts can also be good for exfoliating your skin.  Just rub some into wet skin and rinse off well. Works great on dry heels, also. 

Tea bags work wonders for swollen, puffy, tired eyes.   Wet two used tea bags and place them on your eyes.  You can add a bag of frozen peas over the tea bags, this will help the swelling and puffiness.  (Shhhh....its a Hollywood secret!) 

I've tried them all and they work.   To get the full spa experience, you may need to light aromatherapy candles and play soft music.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Purple and Green Wedding Inspiration Board, RIP Elizabeth Taylor

I came across these amazing earrings from Rhonda Jewelry  on Etsy. I couldn't decide if they reminded me of wisteria or grapes or maybe even purple violets.  I thought they would be stunning on a bride with a strapless dress, just a touch of color and pizazz to match the wedding colors.  Love them!

Then I found these amazing shoes from Norakaren on Etsy.  She hand paints Dyeable wedding shoes!  OMG, I am so in shoe love.  I have a shoe thing and these shoes not only spoke to me, they SCREAMED at me, it was love at first sight.    How totally perfect are they with the earrings?  
Check out all her other designs while you are on the site, I have never seen hand painted wedding shoes in weddings, and I thought I'd seen it all. I  learn something new everyday, this creativity is truly amazing!

Bride Dita Von Teese,purple wedding dress by Viviene Westwood
Top maids Expressions by Forever Bridals
Flower girl dresses by Pegeen
Bottom maid Nordstrom's

I was working on this board when I got the news that Elizabeth Taylor passed away. She was famous for her violet eyes and her love of passionate purple.  So, RIP, Elizabeth, your film legacy and your humanitarian missions live on. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What To Do If Someone In Your Wedding Party Drops Out

It happens to the best planned wedding, a member of the wedding party suddenly drops out and sends the bride into a full fledged panic. The reasons may be bogus or legit, it might be a work conflict, a car accident or a  case of bad bridesmaid.  The reason doesn't matter, you suddenly have a gap in the wedding party!

Its not the end of the world and the wedding won't be ruined.  It's more common than you can imagine. It happened to me. The person got transferred for work a week before the wedding.  There wasn't any thing I could do.  Of course I cried, cursed my fate and cried some more, but it did nothing to remedy the situation.  So, I punted and decided not to replace the missing member.  It was OK.  I had an extra usher and none of the guests noticed.  

So what should you do should this (please God, NOOOO!) happen to you?  A lot depends on the wedding time line when it happens. If its early enough in the planning stages, you can simply replace that member.  If its closer to the wedding, you still have choices....replace or not replace.    

Not replacing is the easiest choice.  You can have an extra bridesmaid, you can have an extra groomsman or usher.  Have two groomsmen walk with one bridesmaid or vice versa.  Or bump an usher up to a groomsman and have him do dual duty.  If it's your maid of honor, have one of the bridesmaids step into that position.

Replacing is trickier at this stage.  If the bridesmaid dresses have been special ordered, someone has to pay for the dress because the manufacturer wants their money.  There is no way the manufacturer will cancel the order.  A special order is a special order in bridal. The bridal shop pays the dress manufacturer or the manufacturer will hold all the dresses.   You can scream all you want at the bridal shop, but it won't help.   You can demand the bridal shop give you YOUR dress, but unless you signed for the special order, put down the deposit and signed the contract that you are responsible for the balance, it is NOT your dress.  The dress belongs to the MIA bridesmaid.  Its becomes a legal matter and the courts won't be on your side.  

There is a solution.  Talk to the dropout about the dress.  99% of the time she won't want the dress, but you have to make sure she doesn't want the dress.  Offer to pay her back the deposit, then have her contact the bridal shop to tell them that she releases the dress to you.   You will then be responsible for paying the balance of the dress.  If your replacement is willing to pay for the dress in full, your replacement pay you for the dress.  You can offer to pay half of the dress for her because she's doing you a huge favor of stepping in at the last minute.  The key is communication between the dropout, yourself and the bridal salon.  

If the dropout is a groomsman, he can simply rent a tux.  Since the tux has to be paid in full when the tux is ordered, it won't be a problem if MIA groomsman doesn't show up.  The tux will just stay in the back room.   Again, the payment WON'T be transferred, the tux belongs to whomever ordered it.  Its the legality thing.
Your wedding won't be ruined if someone drops out.  Don't waste a lot of energy twittering, complaining, crying and skewering the dropout.  It's NOT worth it.  Sometimes things just happen.  And it could be worse:   I once had a wedding where all the bridesmaids were arrested for possession after the rehearsal dinner and were in jail the day of the wedding!  And the wedding went on as planned....but I think the friendships were permanently fractured. 

Take a deep breath, it will all work out. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Amy Michelson: Sexy Low Back Wedding Dresses

Amy Michelson is a wedding dress designer that "gets" women.  Not every bride wants to look like a cream puff walking down the aisle.  Brides are a little older, more sophisticated and want a dress that is sophisticated, womanly (not girly) and a bit sexy will find it with Amy Michelson's dresses. 

Brides clamor for dresses with low sexy backs  They don't want miles of covered satin buttons running down the train.   They want a dress that is as beautiful in the back as it in the front.  Amy Michelson gets it and she does wedding dress backs better than anyone!  Her dresses show off a woman's curves, some are bias cut and remind me of a golden Hollywood movie.  Some are more simple than others, but each style demands a double take look.   

Check out more styles at Amymichelson.com.

Awesome Wedding Necklaces, Pearls and Ruffles and Bows!

I came across the Pemberley Collection on Etsy and saw these unusual bridesmaid necklaces.  I can also see the bride wearing them with her wedding dress.  How perfect are they with a strapless dress?  Not only are they affordable, but the colors can be customized to your choice of color.  They can be worn after the wedding with a simple jewel neckline for work or with a turtleneck and jeans. 

I think I like the femininity of the ruffles of them combined with the tradition of wedding pearls.  I think they are sweet and unique.   What do you think? 

Check the Pemberly Collection out!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Applause to Lazaro for A Unique Wedding Dress Design.

Lazaro has managed to bring something into the wedding dress market that hasn't been done before!  Sometimes when I sit through fashion shows at the bridal market, too many of the wedding dresses look alike.  I've often wondered why some of the designers don't get an original thought.  I understand that its a numbers game, if the silhouette is selling, keep doing it.   But this dress is totally original..... I've never seen a skirt like this one.   And for that, I applaud Lazaro.  I've been a fan of Lazaro Perez since he was with the now defunct bridal house, Galina Bouquet.   He is also designing for Tara Keely. 

What makes this dress stand out from every thing else is the organza accordion pleated skirt.  It sort of reminds me of coffee filters fanning out.  The amount of work to figure out the skirt design has to be monumental, as they start out small and get larger as they flow into the skirt.  I'm not sure how this dress would look bustled, but I wish I had the opportunity to try and bustle it myself.  (That's the bridal seamstress in me coming out!)

The beaded belt is a work of art in itself.  I'm quite impressed with the cut of the back bodice, its low and sexy, yet cut to hide a bustiere.  When you've sold wedding dresses as long as I have, you look for features like that.  The cut of the back is super important for a great fit.   This dress ranks 10 stars for cut, fit and originality!

Lazaro Bridal Gowns, Wedding Dresses Style LZ3117 by JLM Couture, Inc.

Lazaro Bridal Gowns, Wedding Dresses: Style LZ3117

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Irish Green Wedding Inspiration Board

St. Patrick's day made me think of some of the brides we dressed that were married in Ireland in a castle. The after the wedding stories and photos were just breathtaking, especially the photos of them in the green meadows.  They all said that they definitely felt like a princess getting married in a castle and honeymooning in Ireland.  

Here is an Irish wedding inspiration board, featuring, of course, green!

Happy St. Patrick's day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Red and Black Polka Dot Wedding Theme Inspiration Board

I love red, I love black and I love polkadots! Put them all together for a fun, retro look. I have always had a thing for polkadots.   I think it has kind of a 1950's vibe, yet its a fresh look.  The red just makes the black pop!  Look how crisp the pictures look because the colors just seem to be made to go with polkadots. 

Polka dot shoe picture by Amy Carroll Photography. 
I totally want the red shoes!

Top wedding dress by Michele Roth, the dress has shiny polkadots! It sort of has a 50's look to it, yet it has that ballerina ballgown look.   Love it!  How cute is the dog?  I have a dog that looks like that, so I am probably totally biased. The red halter dress is totally 50's.   Black and white polka dot dress by Jovani,  rose purse on the bottom by Judith Lieber.    I NEED that purse because my name is Rose,  don't you think?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wedding Reception Dress, Change Into a Cocktail Dress for Dancing!

Are you thinking of changing your dress for the wedding reception?   A hot trend for some brides is to wear the traditional style wedding dress for the wedding, dinner and pictures, but when the dancing starts, changing into a dressy cocktail type dress.  The looks are sophisticated and fun, kind of Sex In The City inspired.    Here are some reception dress ideas, what do you think? 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Anjolique Bridal Wedding Dress Giveway, Bonus Giveaway From Weddingzilla!

Anjolique Bridal is giving away wedding dresses to four lucky brides.  Entering is easy.  Visit an authorized Anjolique retailer, try on an Anjolique wedding dress and snap a picture of you in the dress.  Upload the picture to Anjolique's face book fan page or to Photobucket.   The sweepstakes ends April 10, with drawings March 12th,  March 27th,  and April 10th.  If you've already purchased an Anjolique wedding dress and you are chosen as a winner, they will reimburse you the cost of the dress minus alterations.   So get cracking and try on an Anjolique wedding dress today!!

Find a retailer to try on Anjolique dresses. 

Once you try on an Anjolique dress, you will know why they are one of my favorite lines of wedding dresses.  I sold their dresses for many years, and I will testify that the fit is outstanding.   Have you ever wondered how Hollywood celebrities look so fabulous on the red carpet?   Its because the fit is built into the dress.  The dress is made to fit and flatter with great bones inside the dress.    Anjolique takes that concept and builds in an inner corset that keeps your dress up and in place on their strapless dresses.  It eliminates the need for an uncomfortable bustiere, spanx and whatever else you need to nip and tuck and cleave in the right places.  They call it the unique fit enhancer.   Here's a picture of the inner workings of their dresses:

If you follow my blog and you are a winner, Weddingzilla will send you a special gift! We'll send you a custom tiara jewelry case that will store your special wedding jewelry, tiara, garter, etc.  Its heirloom quality and impossible to buy.  Plus, we'll send you a lucky sixpence for your shoe.   (You know, something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a sixpence for your shoe!).  The value is over $100.
So, follow my blog, tweet it and get yourself to an authorized Anjolique retailer to try on their line of dresses, post your pic and WIN!!   

PS...we'll be checking the winners to make sure you follow Weddingzilla!   Good luck!

Gardenia Wedding Theme, Ivory, Pink, Green

Gardenias symbolize love and weddings and gardenias have historically been used in royal and celeb weddings. Princess Diana used them in her wedding. The Knot calls it one of their top 10 favorite wedding flowers. It was very popular in the 1950's and 1960's and is having a renaissance with today's brides.  Once you've taken a whiff of this delicate flower, you'll fall in love with it, too!

The gardenia has delicately curved ivory leaves and green shiny leaves that grow in a bush. Gardenias have an unforgettable sweet and spicy fragrance that fills the room with an intoxicating aroma described as heavenly. Many brides tuck a gardenia behind their ear at the reception to carry the scent with them. The scent is used in oriental perfumes and is also called an aphrodisiac.

We've put together three idea boards for a gardenia wedding theme.  The first is neutral colors, the second is pinks, including gardenia pink, the Pantone color of the year, (gardenia pink), and the third is shades of green. 

Enzoani Gardenia wedding shoes
Lace bridesmaid dresses by Jordan Fashions
Top wedding dress by Lazaro
Bottom wedding dress Tara Keely by Lazaro
Bottom bridesmaid Jim Jhelm Blush Bridal

Top bridesmaid dresses by Jordan Fashions
Mid bridesmaid dress by Mori Lee
Wedding dress by Tara Keely by Lazaro
Flower girl dress by Pegeen

Top wedding dress by Yumi Katsura
Top bridesmaid dress by Lazaro
Mid bridesmaid dress by Alfred Angelo

Flower display dress by none other than Preston Bailey, who was inspired by Monique Lhuillier . This was the centerpiece at the Knot Gala in New York. This dress was made with 5,500 flowers!  They are GARDENIA ,white Calla lilly, white hydrangea, white eskimo rose, pink Rosita vendela rose and  phalaenopsis orchid   This display was 11 feet high, 4 feet in diameter and took 200 man hours to create. Simply jawdropping!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Wedding Boots For a Rainy Day

When I think of wedding boots, I think of a bride wearing cowboy boots. I got a tweet about Wellington Boots, wedding wellies, which is British speak for wedding boots. I was surprised to see real boots in white that can be customized to wear on a rainy or snowy wedding day. (If you lived where I live, these would be a total God send!) Besides, they are cute and fun as well as practical. I love the real life brides wearing them on their wedding day.
Check out Weddington Boots!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Duh! Weddings! A Charlie Sheen Bi-Winning Wedding Theme

Charlie Sheen is my inspiration for my latest wedding theme.....Duh!  Charlie Sheen! Winning!  The man with tiger blood, the guy with Adonis DNA, the man with the Goddesses.  In my twisted mind, I've combined all the elements into a wedding theme.   Makes sense to me...just go with it.  I'm a mere mortal. 

 Dressing Adonis is easy, just add a grape leaf!

Another idea for Charlie's attire, going with the tiger blood partying theme:

Charlie Sheen: "You borrow my brain for five seconds and just be like dude, can't handle it, unplug this bastard. It fires in a way that is, I don't know, maybe not from this terrestrial realm. When you've got tiger blood and Adonis DNA, it's like, get with the program dude."

The Goddesses Athena and Venus. 

Charlie Sheen: "Let me say this about the Goddesses, I don't think the term is good enough, but when you're bound by these terrestrial descriptions, you must use the best term available. So if you think about it dude, I'm 0-for-3 in marriage, but like in baseball, the scoreboard doesn't lie. Never has. So what we all have is a marriage of the hearts. And to sully, contaminate, or radically disrespect this unit with a shameful contract is something I'll leave to the amateurs and bible grippers."

I think this is the perfect Goddess wedding dress by Bonny Bridal.   
Its draped chiffon, a modern Grecian update for a modern day Charlie goddess.  

Since Charlie has two goddesses, I've picked another dress by Bonny Bridal, this is a more traditional Grecian goddess dress. 

Charlie Sheen:  
"You've read about the goddesses, come on. They're an international sensation. These are my girlfriends. These are the women that I love that have completed the three parts of my heart. ... It's a polygamy story. All my guy friends are gonna like throw tomatoes at me. It's like an organic union of the hearts."

"I'm not a marriage guy, but maybe the three of us will get married. Oh, now it's a polygamy story."

Food and Beverages:  
You must, of course, serve Tigers Blood, to your mere mortal guests.  My guess is that its red, so look for something red and powerful. Here are a couple of WINNING suggestions:

From Fashionably Bombed,  the Charlie Sheen Martini! 

The Charlie Sheeni Martini

Makes 1

1 ounce tiger blood (AKA freshly squeezed blood orange juice)
2 ounces X-Rated Fusion Vodka
1 bitchin' rock star from Mars (AKA Rockstar energy drink)
1 briefcase full of cocaine (AKA 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar)

Add blood orange juice and vodka to a shaker with ice and shake vigorously until a frost forms on the outside of the shaker.  Top off with Rockstar energy drink.  Moisten rim of glass with blood orange and dip into a plate of powdered sugar.  Drink directly through the eye.

Now take that martini glass, wrap both arms around it and love it violently.

Warning: If you try it once you'll die, your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body. Too much?


Another winning...duh....cocktail from the Ninth Ward:
The Charlie Sheen, from the Ninth Ward
4 ounces Coca-Cola
2.5 ounces of Catdaddy Carolina Moonshine
Powdered Sugar Rim
1 Maraschino cherry, for garnish

You can whip up a couple of batches of  The Official Charlie Sheen Porn Lovers Lemon Bars by Chef Larry Edwards.   Chef Edwards writes:  "With each bite of these delicious lemon bars, made with Meyers lemons, you will experience the joys of being Charlie Sheen. Each bite has the silky smoothness of a porn queen (Mr. Sheen's dates of choice). Each mouth-watering chew will escalate your soul to heights of nirvana (often times Mr. Sheen's state of mental being) and each bar is lightly coated with powdered sugar (well...). After your first bite, you will scream out "Winner" (Mr. Sheen's exclamation of himself) and want to sue CBS for millions of dollars (Mr. Sheen's latest business venture)." 

I don't know about you, but my mouth is watering and I'm not into porn stars, I'm into lemon bars.  Get Chef Larry Edward's recipe here,  I'm going to try making them sometime this week.  Like your style, Chef , you made me laugh and you made me want to bake! ;)

Flowers:   Since one of Charlie's goddesses modeled on the cover of a Cannabis magazine, we think this bouquet will be perfect in Charlie's world.   In the real world, proceed at your own risk.

Music and Entertainment:
Who needs music and entertainment when you have Charlie in the flesh.  He IS the entertainment!  
Here's the newest Charlie Sheen remix! Bi-winning, perfect!

What can I say but.....DUH....WINNING!!